Berl Schwartz profile image

Berl Schwartz

Berl Schwartz is the owner, editor and publisher of the Lansing (Michigan) City Pulse, a weekly newspaper. He started as a reporter for the Philadelphia Bulletin in 1969. In his five-plus-decade career, he has been a reporter for The Louisville (Ky.) Times and the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times Washington bureau. He covered Congress and was features editor for Scripps Howard Washington bureau, including chief of its Los Angeles Olympics bureau in 1984. He was managing editor of The Knoxville News Sentinel, then executive editor and publisher of the York (Pennsylvania) Daily Record. He was a visiting professor of journalism at the University of Oklahoma and publisher of Oklahoma Today. In 1994, he moved to Lansing to become general manager and editorial adviser of the college newspaper at Michigan State University. In 2001, he founded City Pulse. Schwartz has a bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania.